Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Analytical Essay Topics That Explain the Process of Doing Something

Analytical Essay Topics That Explain the Process of Doing SomethingMany students who participate in academic essays have to make sure that they provide more analytical analysis essay topics that explain the process of doing something. The process of doing something is often closely related to the analytical process that a student is using to achieve something. An example would be if you were writing an essay on how to do something, you might want to take a look at how to do it.For example, your essay could begin by saying 'How can you do this?' What you are asking is whether there is an answer to this question. What is being asked is, can someone do this. Without asking how to do something, it's hard to figure out what you need to do to be able to do it.You want to make sure that your essay does answer the question, 'Can someone do this?' or 'What can you do?'One of the best analytical essay topics that explains the process of doing something is 'Explain.' This type of essay topic wi ll offer great insight and give you a great idea of the nature of the problem at hand.You will often hear people ask this question, 'Explain how you found this.' A lot of times this question comes from a person that is not that clear on the process of doing something or what they need to do to get to a particular point in their journey.So what you want to do is first start off with how to do something. After you explain how to do something, you will then move onto the question, 'Why do you want to know this?' After the step of answering this question, the reader is typically ready to move on to how to find the solution to the problem.In this way, you can make sure that you make enough explanation to provide a great explanation of the problem at hand. That way, you are able to connect the dots between the process of doing something and the main focus of the essay. As a result, you are able to give an interesting answer to a question and this is what is important.

Monday, May 18, 2020

The Dead Vs. The Living - 1611 Words

The Dead Vs. The Living Government has come from killing to keeping. When talking about the evolution of government, within the western world, there are tremendous amounts of changes; beliefs, or perhaps intentions to be mentioned. In the beginning there were many laws in place that enforced the killing of people, or sentencing of death, for their wrong doing(s). Yet, down the road, came laws that seem to be less harsh on society and to the people who were being accused. Also, the beliefs and structure of governments, varying for each place, changed as well. Although authority may have still operated in harsh ways in 1650, the majority of governments progressed from slaughtering people on corners, to handing out tickets. Beginning with the†¦show more content†¦Besides the 32 laws sentencing people to death, there are also some more severe laws that can force violators hands to be â€Å"hewn off†, buried, and situations where one will be forced into a fire. Now, although those are less excessive laws, people were still dying from those sentences. His laws are a prime example for the saying, â€Å"an eye for an eye†. Providing an example, if a man broke the bone of one of his equals, his own bone would be broken in return. (Law 197) Additionally, for crimes that could not be proven or disproven, the code often put the accused in a deadly situation in order to find innocence. Vice versa, if the accused is found to be not guilty, the accuser would have been put to death. The use of powerful kings and powerful â€Å"codes†, encouraged people to either be more cautious or more law abiding, however the beliefs of ancient Egypt are very different. Ancient Egypt, very contrary to Mesopotamia, was more on the â€Å"believer† approach of government. In Egypt there were pharaohs, the â€Å"Lord of the Two Lands†, who were believed to be gods on earth; hence the creation of the massive pyramids which were tombs for the Pharaohs and queens. Pharaohs controlled the political and religious factors of their society. The main purpose of a Pharaoh was to maintain an overall peace among the country; they were the rulers and leaders among the people. In ancient Egypt, taxes were collected, which went

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Customer Experience Is A Saas Priority - 1024 Words

Customer experience is a SaaS priority. Experts report that â€Å"customer experience will overtake price and product as the key brand differentiator† by 2020. So, it’s time to take a serious look at how you engage with your customers. Are they completely satisfied? Or are you simply meeting the team’s quarterly benchmarks? â€Å"At the end of the day, customer experience is about human interaction and creating a bond between the user and the brand. It’s about making a commitment to understanding how your product positively impacts the lives of your users, and actively seeking out opportunities to maximize those benefits,† writes Rob Carpenter, founder of Hitshop. Don’t fail the customer experience. Here are four ways you’re falling short: 1.†¦show more content†¦Your team may even want to write an eBook showing your customer how to obtain a specific result. Here’s an example from Moz. They engage their customers with webinars. The content offers new insight from expert speakers. Plus, it’s available live and on-demand. Source The customer experience relies on your SaaS’s ability to educate, not sell. And one of best ways to educate your customers is through engaging content. â€Å"Making the customer experience the core of your content marketing strategy should be a no-brainer in the current climate. As customers become more discerning, you need to step your game up to inspire and impress them, and to retain their interest,† says Don Dodds, Managing Partner at M16 Marketing. Think of content as an educational tool. The key is to become a trusted resource for your customers. 2. No Real Support Your SaaS will never be perfect. Mistakes will occur throughout the customer’s journey. Therefore, it’s vital that you set up a plan to address customers’ issues. We’re human. And customers are forgiving. If a problem occurs, it’s understandable. However, how your team handles the mishap will define your SaaS. Will you ignore the problem and conduct business as usual? Or will you solve the customer’s concerns with diligence? A survey found that â€Å"one-third [of customers] say they’d ‘rather clean a toilet’ than speak with customer service.† Yikes! Customer service is the bread and butter of any

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Business Analysis Business Analytics Essay - 944 Words

Business Analytics Business Analytics, is a system that use various techniques and processes to gather information to used be used to make business decisions. The data is used to answer a question. Often this is used in marketing. It helps to take away some of the â€Å"guess work† out of who market will target. This process has been credited with increasing the ability of organizations to be more competitive. Just as important as collecting data is the ability to interpret and apply the data. Essential to a Business Analyst success is, the support from an International Technological (IT) team. If costly technical systems are not used and maintained properly, it could the system to malfunction. This could produce inaccurate results in the data. Incorrect data could cost the organization greatly. The data can be used to detect fraud, as well as exploring science. The Business Analyst must delete the data that cannot be used. The data produced patterns is then analyzed. Then information is forwarded to the appropriate people. The information is used to create a plan. The role of a Business Analyst is valuable. So are the tools they use. Multipolar Analytics A system that collects data, then analyze it in multiple places in the organization is using Multipolar Analytics. The exact system component will vary depending on the type of data and analysis the system will need to output. The Multipolar Analysis include systems that use traditional operationalShow MoreRelatedBusiness Analysis : Business Analytics Essay1990 Words   |  8 PagesBusiness Analytics is focused on the latest business intelligence tools, technology and trends for business executives who plan, build, and use business intelligence products and solutions. Today great business intelligence and analytic technologies are allowing big companies to go big, go fast, go deep, go cheap and go mobile with business data. Business Analytics is used to analyze large amounts of data by applying statistical tools and techniques in order to generate business insights. The keyRead MoreBusiness Analysis : Business Analytics828 Words   |  4 PagesAbout Business Analytics Business Analytics is a comprehensive method used by businesses deploying sophisticated tools to access past, vast and complex information and then use the acquired data and information to better analyse the organisation and equip its managers with the ability to make a well informed business decision. (http://sydney.edu.au/business/business_analytics Name: Business Analytics Website Name: University of Sydney Year 2015) The Discipline of Business Analytics comprises of aRead MoreBusiness Analysis : Business Intelligence And Analytics1545 Words   |  7 PagesToday’s business environment is increasingly complex and dynamic and organizations must adapt to these changes in order to remain competitive. 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Essay on Bastard Out of Carolina - 1209 Words

One of the most complex and elaborate characters in Bastard Out of Carolina by Dorothy Allison is Bone. Throughout the story Bone has to live a life where she thinks that she is the leading mystery of the trouble being caused. She has numerous unhappy situations and is in no way self-satisfied with herself. She doesn’t appreciate who she is physically. She constantly thinks she is the most homely and dull person who causes the most inconvenience in the family. This sense of selflessness is mainly due to the physical and sexual abuse brought upon by Daddy Glen, Bone’s stepfather. Unfortunately, the assaults were stretched out over a long period of time, leaving little chance for Bone to recover as an adult if any at all. I decided to take†¦show more content†¦The development of a sense of self is thought to be one of the earliest developmental tasks of an infant and young child, typically unfolding in the context of early relationships. Bone’s maltreatmen t influenced her growing self-awareness interfering with her development of her sense of self. Without such an internal base, she may lack the ability to soothe or comfort herself adequately, leading to what appears to be overreactions to stress or painful effects. This impairment can also cause difficulties in separating herself from others. Avoidant behavior among victims of sexual abuse may be understood as attempts to cope with the chronic trauma. Among the dysfunctional activities associated with avoidance of abuse-specific memories and feelings are dissociation, substance abuse and various tension-reducing activities. Unfortunately, although sometimes immediately effective in reducing distress, avoidance and self-destructive methods of coping with child abuse experiences may lead ultimately to higher levels of lower self-esteem and greater feelings of guilt and anger. It has been observed that sexually abused children tend to be less socially competent, more aggressive, and more socially withdrawn than non-abused children. A specific interpersonal effect of sexual abuse among children is that of increased sexual behavior. This is prominent when we wereShow MoreRelatedThe Bastard Out Of Carolina2645 Words   |  11 PagesBastard out of Carolina is a novel which examines the expectation of a mother-child relationship, child maltreatment and gender roles. It is based on the narrative of Ruth Anne â€Å"Bone† Boatright who grows up in rural Greenville County, South Carolina in the 1950’s and 60’s. Bone’s 15 year old mother, Anney Boatright, conceived Bone out of wedlock after being injured in a car accident which ultimately led to an â€Å"illegitimate† stamp on Bones’ birth certificate. Bone was raised in a very disadvantagedRead More Bastard Out Of Carolina Essay1812 Words   |  8 PagesBastard Out Of Car olina â€Å"Pay Attention to Detail† ========================= One must consider a little history on Dorothy Allison in order to see how the directions that she takes the novel add up. When she was 24, Allison lived in a lesbian-feminist collective. The women there gave her the confidence she needed and the ability to see the value in her own writing (Amazon.com). During this time, she also found someone who seemed normal, yet she had experienced the same â€Å"incest† (Megan Read MorePsychological Analysis Of Bastard Out Of Carolina 1829 Words   |  8 Pages Psychological Analysis: The effects of an Id driven personality in â€Å"Bastard out of Carolina† Psychology, the science of the behaviour and the mind of a person, tries to give us a reason as to how someone thinks, works, or treats others. Sigmund Freud, a well-known psychologist during the early 20th century created his own interpretation as to how people think. Freud explains that the mind is separated into three different parts the Id, the Superego, and the Ego. The Id which controls the irrationalRead MoreAn Analysis of Bastard Out of Carolina by Dorothy Allison1217 Words   |  5 PagesOne of the most complex and elaborate characters in Bastard Out of Carolina by Dorothy Allison is Bone. Throughout the story Bone has to live a life where she thinks that she is the leading mystery of the trouble being caused. She has numerous unhappy situations and is in no way self-satisfied with herself. She doesn t appreciate who she is physically. She constantly thinks she is the most homely and dull person who causes the most inconvenience in the family. This sense of selflessness is mainlyRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Bastard Out Of Carolina By Dorothy Allison2114 Words   |  9 PagesTaking Out the Trash Socioeconomic status in conjunction with the lack of a nuclear family can influence the use of stereotypes and feelings of shame throughout American literature. In the novel, Bastard Out of Carolina, by Dorothy Allison, the feeling of shame and the identification as â€Å"trash† are noted within Bone’s family. Critics J. Brooks Bouson and Natalie Carter argue that these feelings were created by Bone’s mother, Anney, and passed down to Bone. Both would argue that the feelings of shameRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Bastard Out Of Carolina By Dorothy Allison1505 Words   |  7 PagesThe book, Bastard Out of Carolina by Dorothy Allison, is about relationships between family members, the social class, â€Å"white trash†, and abuse. In the book, there is a young girl by the name of Ruth Anne Boatwright, but goes by the name of Bone. Bone’s mother had her at the young age of 17 years old. Her whole life, Bone, didn’t have a steady father figur e. Anney Boatwright, Bone’s mother, married a man and out of that relationship, her sister was born. Soon after Anney married him, he diedRead MoreAnalysis Of Dorothy Allison s Bastards Out Of Carolina1757 Words   |  8 Pagesmaking generalizations to describe or differentiate a group. Stereotypes are harmful to women and their experiences, because they can cause bad decision making that can lead to negative outcomes. Anney Boatwright in Dorothy Allison’s novel Bastards Out of Carolina is heavily burdened by the stereotype of being identified as ‘white trash,’ which leads her to making unorthodox decisions regarding her family in hope of breaking free of this white trash stereotype. Stereotypes are destructive in the shapingRead MoreChild Abuse and its Role in Bastard Out of Carolina by Dorothy Allison1533 Words   |  7 Pages While reading the semi-autobiographical, Bastard Out of Carolina, by Dorothy Allison, I was stunned by the explicit nature o f the novel. We were introduced to a young narrator and protagonist named, Ruth Anne â€Å"Bone† Boatwright. Bones family, like that of the author, experienced a impoverished life, all the while she tried to find her place in a society that had literally labeled her â€Å"illegitimate.† Merriam-Webster defines illegitimate as being: (1) not recognized as lawful offspring; specifically:Read MoreThe Family Bond Between Bone And Her Mother Dorothy Allison s Bastard Out Of Carolina939 Words   |  4 Pagesformation of identity, such as class, ethnicity, and social norms, familial influence is the most evidenced factor in Dorothy Allison s Bastard out of Carolina. The core identity of the main character and narrator of the book, Bone, is largely influenced through the slow breaking of the maternal bond and the horrid abuse by Daddy Glen. When Bastard out of Carolina first begins Bone is narrating the story; however, the book is not yet seen from her viewpoint, but rather from varied perspectives orRead MoreThe Southern Gothic Is A Subgenre Of Gothic Fiction. The1722 Words   |  7 Pagesliterary work. In the novel by Dorothy Allison titled Bastard Out of Carolina which was published in 1922, nearly every factor that plays a role in the Southern Gothic can be found within, specifically the southern setting, social settings, outsiders, the grotesque, and violence. In Bastard Out of Carolina, the setting in which the characters reside in is a small town of Greenville County, South Carolina. One important thing to know about South Carolina is that is was the first state to secede during

Describe Building A Culture Based Company -Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Describe Building A Culture Based Company? Answer: Introducation The definition of organizational culture varies from individuals to individuals. This is because people have different understandings and knowledge about organizational cultures (Alvesson and Sningsson 2015). For instance, for an individual culture is the basic way of doing things. However, on the contrary, for another individual culture is the shared values and rituals followed by the business organization. Thus, the upbringing, education, society, background, knowledge and understanding are the probable reasons of why the definition of organizational cultures differs among individuals. Justifying for supporting the definition of culture It has been seen that the definition of culture varies from person to person. According to Robbie Katanga, culture is the way of doing things. This is because culture is consistent and can be observed within the organizations (Hogan and Coote 2014). Thus, the repetitive behavior of the individuals highlights the culture of the individuals. On the other hand, Alec Haverstick defines culture as the product of compensation. This is because the author believes that incentives shape culture. This includes both monetary and non-monetary incentives that are provided to the individuals thereby, determining their actions. Bruce Perron defines culture as the shared description of the values and norms of the organizations. Richard Perrin defines culture as the sum of values and rituals that are glued together and influences the actions of the members of the business organizations. On the other hand, Alan Adler defines culture s the civilization that defines the workplace (Harvard Business Revie w, 2018). From the aforementioned definitions of organizational culture, I support the definition of culture by Robbie Katanga. According to Robbie Katanga, culture is defined as the way of doing things within the business organizations. This is because with time individuals become habituated with the way of doing and conducting particular things. This trend is generally cascaded to the entire organization and the workplace thereby, making it the culture of the business organization (Buschgens, Bausch and Balkin 2013). It has been often seen that the way of doing things is consistent among the individuals due to whom it is highly noticed by the surrounding people. Thus, as it is highly consistent and observable by the surrounding people, they tend to uptake the behaviors easily. As the way of doing things keeps on passing from individual to individual, it becomes an organizational culture and is followed by the existing people at the workplace. Corporate culture instilled in HRM practices and customer satisfaction The founder of Zappos believes in building a cross culture based company, as this provides an opportunity for the company to ensure customer service. Due to the cross culture based policy of the company, Zappos is well known for its customer service and makes sure that the customers come back to the company for getting service (Nordlof et al. 2014). The employees of Zappos belong to the different cultural background but works together in peace and harmony (YouTube, 2018). Thus, the company has the history of maintaining a balance among the employees belonging to different cultural backgrounds. The employees in Zappos are free and have the liberty to share their viewpoints and opinions with respect to their culture within the organization. Thus, while providing customer service, the organizations take care of the valuable points shared by the employees rearing the particular culture thereby, avoiding them (Adkins et al. 2013). This is the primary reason Zappos excels in customer satis faction the company believes in building a culture based company. For Zappos company culture is the most significant aspect, as the founder of the company believes that if the company culture is correct things like customer satisfaction, building the long-term relationship with customers happens naturally. Thus, Zappos considers the culture of the company their topmost priority. In order to achieve the best company culture, Zappas ensures hiring the right culture, providing 5 weeks training, giving $2000 when the new employees quit, giving culture books and helping to build culture. The main aim of the company is to hire the right culture that helps in building long-term customer relationships with the company. In this fierce and tough market, it is essential that the business organizations satisfy the customers better than their competitors. This is the only way of building a loyal and large customer base for the business organizations. This is because the customers feel the company values them and their culture and tends to return to the company for taking the service (Azanza, Moriano and Molero 2013). Thus, the hiring process of Zappos is based on the cultural fitness of the employees for their organizations. It has been seen that Zappos does not hire new employees who lack evident cultural impact on the top and bottom line of the organization. According to Zappos, the culture based company is essential for gaining competitive advantage, as the market sector consists of similar organizations. Thus, emphasizing more on the culture of the company allows Zappos to satisfy the customers and building a strong customer base. Large customer base maximizes the sales of the company thereby, generating more revenue and ensuring profit maximization. Having a strong culture allows Zappos to stand out from its potential competitors in the market along with creating a unique image in the eye of the customers. As a result, Zappos is able to sustain in the competitive market by emphasizing and building a strong culture based company. Conclusion The e-learning activity concludes and summarizes the activity 2 and activity 3. Activity 2 discusses the significance of organizational culture. The most probable reason due to which the definition of culture differs are the educational background of the individuals as well as their knowledge and understanding about cure from individual perspectives. Activity 3 discusses the significance of culture-based company in achieving customer satisfaction. It has been seen that Zappos considers culture as their topmost priority that helps them in achieving best customer satisfaction in the market. Thus, customer satisfaction for Zappos provides an opportunity for the company to gain the competitive advantage by building the large customer base by considering their cultures and ethics. References Adkins, C.L., Samaras, S.A., Gilfillan, S.W. and McWee, W.E., 2013. The relationship between owner characteristics, company size, and the workfamily culture and policies of women?owned businesses.Journal of Small Business Management,51(2), pp.196-214. Alvesson, M. and Sveningsson, S., 2015.Changing organizational culture: Cultural change work in progress. Routledge. Azanza, G., Moriano, J.A. and Molero, F., 2013. Authentic leadership and organizational culture as drivers of employees job satisfaction.Revista de Psicologa del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones,29(2), pp.45-50. Bschgens, T., Bausch, A. and Balkin, D.B., 2013. Organizational culture and innovation: A meta?analytic review.Journal of product innovation management,30(4), pp.763-781. Harvard Business Review. (2018). What Is Organizational Culture? And Why Should We Care?. [online] Available at: https://blogs.hbr.org/2013/05/what-is-organizational-culture/ [Accessed 18 Jan. 2018]. Hogan, S.J. and Coote, L.V., 2014. Organizational culture, innovation, and performance: A test of Schein's model.Journal of Business Research,67(8), pp.1609-1621. Nordlf, H., Wiitavaara, B., Winblad, U., Wijk, K. and Westerling, R., 2015. Safety culture and reasons for risk-taking at a large steel-manufacturing company: investigating the worker perspective.Safety science,73, pp.126-135. YouTube. (2018). Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh talks about building a culture-based company. [online] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdKZapHZL4c [Accessed 18 Jan. 2018].

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Online vs. Traditional Education Business Communication

Question: Describe about the Online vs. Traditional Education for Business Communication. Answer: 1. I am aspiring for a career in teaching. While it is known that teaching requires sound subject knowledge, but it requires skills and attributes that go well beyond it. One of the skills is communication which has particularly assumed higher value in the digital communication revolution. Besides, it is imperative for the teacher to effective empathise with the student which allows for better motivation of students coupled with superior performance. Additionally, with the changing digitalisation of education, it is imperative to be creative while remaining objective so as to ensure that the learning outcomes are met. Also, patience and mutual respect is an essential attribute so as to not limit the scope to those who are performing well but to extend help to those who actually need their services the most. Last but not the least would be the self-confidence so to be able to engage the students in a fruitful manner (SkillsYouNeed, nd). 2. Online learning is quite different from learning in other contexts. One of the key differences in this regards is the high degree of flexibility that online learning programs offer which makes is exceptionally popular amongst the learners today. The traditional classroom based learning is quite static and time bound and essentially limited the purview of students unlike online learning which allows them to multitask. Besides, online learning also offers advantage in terms of cost saving besides is convenient for the students who do not have to compute to a centralised class to aid learning. This is particularly comfortable for working professionals and others who make be having some mobility constraints (Bird, 2014). Additionally, online learning can improve the quality of education as students in far flung parts of the world with weak education infrastructure could assess learning through the web. In this regard, the use of tools such as YouTube and other educational websites are already revolutionising the learning in the digital age (Brown, nd). However, online learning tends to lack the discipline which could be instilled in other more formal traditional settings. As a result, the key impetus for online learning needs to be provided by the concerned individual only. Another feature of online learning is the lack of social interaction although through the aid of various technological aids, attempts are being made to enhance greater interactions in online learning. The online learning also leads to greater degree of standardisation in lessons imparted and is easier to control unlike learning in other contexts (Bird, 2014). 3. In the information age, a plethora of information sources are available, however, it is imperative to evaluate these on a host of parameters that form part of the Metzgers criteria. The evaluation of usage of various common information sources is carried out below. Social Media While social media is wide in coverage, it is highly opinionated and thus may lack objectivity (Metzger, 2007). Further, there are concerns of accuracy also but with online social communities playing a more vigil role, this is being addressed. However, the actual usage of social media as an information source really stems from the underlying credibility of the source from which the information is being originated. Besides, in the modern business world, where networking has become significant, social media plays a critical role is getting access to appropriate authority (Mason, Ariasi Boldrin , 2011) Academic peer reviewed works- These normally stand high on authority, accuracy, objectivity and also coverage (Metzger, 2007). This is often considered to be the most reliable information source which often should be used. However, at times some students may find it hard to derive useful information because of the manner in which these works are presented and as a result may tend to drift towards more interesting information sources thus compromising on accuracy and objectivity (Yang, Chen Tsai, 2013). But, I personally find these the most suitable for topics where there is plethora of literature available for review such as teaching pedagogy. Information websites These are useful sources of information especially when authority requirements are not present. Further, objectivity at times may be compromised but yet these serve as critical information sources when reading personal experiences and interviews of experts. Conclusion It is apparent that a host of skills and attitudes are required to craft a career as a teacher besides subject knowledge. These skills help in engaging students in a better way and improve learning outcomes. It is significant to understand that online learning is significant different from learning in other context in terms of flexibility, convenience, cost, quality, discipline and social interaction. Further, in different situations based on the information needs, various information sources could be used for gaining relevant information keeping in mind the criteria highlighted by Metgzer. References Bird, K. (2014), Online vs. Traditional Education: The Answer You Never Expected, Retrieved on December 4, 2016 https://www.rasmussen.edu/student-life/blogs/college-life/online-vs-traditional-education-answer-never-expected/ Brown, J.S. (n.d.), Learning in the Digital Age, Retrieved on December 4, 2016 https://www.johnseelybrown.com/learning_in_digital_age-aspen.pdf Mason, L., Ariasi, N., Boldrin, A. (2011). Epistemic beliefs in action: Spontaneous reflections about knowledge and knowing during online information searching and their influence on learning. Learning and Instruction, 21(1), 137151. Metzger, M. J. (2007). Making sense of credibility on the Web: Models for evaluating online information and recommendations for future research. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 58(13), 20782091. SkillsYouNeed (n.d.), Teaching Skills, Retrieved on December 4, 2016 https://www.skillsyouneed.com/learn/teaching-skills.html Yang, F.-Y., Chen, Y.-H., Tsai, M.-J. (2013). How University Students Evaluate Online Information about a Socio-scientific Issue and the Relationship with their Epistemic Beliefs. Educational Technology Society, 16 (3), 385399